Vision Therapy

Did you know that you can do Vision Training to improve how your eyes work?


Vision Therapy can help create significant improvements in your day to day life. Whether it be through reduction of headaches, increased reading fluency, straighter eyes or even seeing in 3D.

At The Eye Collective, we offer Vision Training for several eye conditions which can make a big difference to your daily life.

The really exciting thing is that we can even do it using Vivid Vision VR technology!

Vivid Vision Logo

We offer Vision Training for:

Norman Russo, Optometrist at The Eye Collective Dandenong

Convergence and Visual Skills

Do you or your child suffer from headaches or eye strain while reading or studying? 

Common symptoms of poor convergence and visual skills can be headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, double vision and difficulty concentrating.

Vision skills training involves both in-office sessions and practise at home. The therapy program usually runs for 2 to 3 months, depending on the individual profile and rate of progress of each person.

Convergence and Visual Skills

Do you or your child suffer from headaches or eye strain while reading or studying? 

Common symptoms of poor convergence and visual skills can be headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, double vision and difficulty concentrating.

Vision skills training involves both in-office sessions and practise at home. The therapy program usually runs for 2 to 3 months, depending on the individual profile and rate of progress of each person.

Adrian Vecchio - Optometrist at The Eye Collective Dandenong

Visual Processing and Learning Therapy

Does your child seem bright, but is struggling at school?

They may have difficulties with their Visual Processing skills. It something that is easily missed, as many people have never heard of it.

Visual Processing is all about how your child interprets the information that is on the page. To interpret the information correctly your child requires several LEARNED skills. These skills include:

  • Visual Memory and sequencing – Remembering sight words and for spelling
  • Visual Analysis skills – Being able to determine the difference between similar words. Eg. Then and Them
  • Visual Directionality and Laterality – Important for letter reversals and maths
  • Visual Tracking – Skipping words and lines when reading

We understand that it can be difficult to have a child who is struggling and becoming frustrated at school. Book an appointment for an Enhanced Eye Test to determine whether visual processing therapy can help your child today.

Visual Processing and Learning Therapy

Is your child a bright kid, but seems to be struggling at school?

They may have difficulties with their Visual Processing skills. It something that is easily missed, as many people have never heard of it.

Visual Processing is all about how your child interprets the information that is on the page. To interpret the information correctly your child requires several LEARNED skills. These skills include:

  • Visual Memory and sequencing – Remembering sight words and for spelling
  • Visual Analysis skills – Being able to determine the difference between similar words. Eg. Then and Them
  • Visual Directionality and Laterality – Important for letter reversals and maths
  • Visual Tracking – Skipping words and lines when reading

We understand that it can be difficult to have a child who is struggling and becoming frustrated at school. Book an appointment for an Enhanced Eye Test to determine whether visual processing therapy can help your child today.

Norman Russo, Optometrist at The Eye Collective Dandenong

Vision Training for Turned and Lazy Eyes

Have you ever been told that you or your child has a turned or lazy eye?

Have you also been told that nothing more can be done about it?

Most people don’t realise that Vision Therapy for turned and lazy eyes can be an excellent option to help you or your child learn to straighten their eyes. Best of all it can be done at any age!

We utilise the amazing Virtual Reality software Vivid Vision, to help teach the eyes to work together. This amazing technology allows us to speed up the therapy process, and achieve goals faster, while having way more fun!

As these eye conditions have often been present for a long time, the therapy process often takes around 12 months. Benefits patients notice from doing the therapy include, better balance and co-ordination, better depth perception, increased reading fluency, easier driving and parking and more enjoyment viewing the world.

Vision Training for Turned and Lazy Eyes

Have you ever been told that you or your child has a turned or lazy eye?

Have you also been told that nothing more can be done about it?

Most people don’t realise that Vision Therapy for turned and lazy eyes can be an excellent option to help you or your child learn to straighten their eyes. Best of all it can be done at any age!

We utilise the amazing Virtual Reality software Vivid Vision, to help teach the eyes to work together. This amazing technology allows us to speed up the therapy process, and achieve goals faster, while having way more fun!

As these eye conditions have often been present for a long time, the therapy process often takes around 12 months. Benefits patients notice from doing the therapy include, better balance and co-ordination, better depth perception, increased reading fluency, easier driving and parking and more enjoyment viewing the world.

Adrian Vecchio - Optometrist at The Eye Collective Dandenong

Vision Training for Sports Vision, Motion Sickness and Brain Injury

The Eye Collective is also proud to be able to offer vision training for other conditions such as brain injury, sports vision and motion sickness.

As many difficulties with these conditions arise from an imbalance between what the eyes see, and what the balance centres in the ears feel. By conducting vision training to help re-calibrate this imbalance, improving eye tracking, visual perception and peripheral awareness, we can help to minimise motion sickness, increase sporting performance and improve comfort post brain injury in both adults and children

Book an appointment with one of our optometrists to see whether vision therapy is an option for your specific requirement

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